The 4th Productions—Theme "Crisis and Opportunity"

- China Gate 中國門
- Wang Yang 王楊
- China 中國2011 / 72min
- As the boundary between social gap increases in China, the film tells the story of young Chinese fight to change their fate through studying.

- My Way
- Cheuk Cheung
- Hong Kong2011 / 66min
- We desire to take paths that only move us forward and not backwards. We want everything to be within our grasps. But if we know that the future is bleak and full of failures, would we choose to continue on the same path?

- A Clear Sky 晴朗的天空
- HARHUU 哈樂夫
- China 中國2011 / 72min
- In the name of economic advancement, good pastureland will be turned into coalmines. The herdsmen, who rely on herding as their livelihood, must now find a different means of survival within these coalmines.

- A Sam 阿Sam
- LUO Limei 羅麗梅
- China 中國2011 / 85min
- This is a story about finding: finding lost beginnings, finding a chance to eliminate the lost.

- Mister C 改變
- ZHANG Wei 張偉
- China 中國2011 / 28min
- Everyone experience changes in life. Behind each change are multiple opportunities. But the reality is even if one puts in all the efforts, what one gets in return isn’t necessarily the anticipated outcome

- Fight Of A Caged Beast 困獸猶鬥
- Zheng Di 鄭迪
- China 中國2011 / 18min
- It is a bright darkness…the lives of the circus allow me to see that humans and animals are shackled by a similar fate, tolerating the same cruel environment, walking on the same unpredictable path.

- Millionaire in Checkfun 百萬格子小富翁
- Fu Yue 傅榆
- Taiwan 台灣2011 / 15min
- For unknown reasons, I was drawn to the “Check Fun stores” idea the first time I heard of it. It is probably because they are so full of Taiwanese characteristics, which makes them very different from their counterparts in Japan, Hong Kong and China.