少年*小趙 A Young Patriot

中國 China2015 / 106 min
導演:杜海濱 DU Hai-bin


《少年 * 小趙》是一部關於 90 後年輕人——小趙 的紀錄片。影片跟隨 19 歲的小趙——一個曾經在 山西平遙古城街頭搖旗吶喊“中國加油,中國萬 歲"的年輕人,一路從他生長的平遙來到他讀書的 四川成都、支教的涼山州彝族自治區等地區,記錄 他從高中到大學二年級這四年間感情以及思想的 變化,也藉由小趙的視角見證與呈現了當下中國社 會正在經歷的焦灼與躁動。


A Young Patriot is a documentary about a post90s young man Xiao Zhao. The film follows the protagonist Xiao Zhao’s life experience, from a 19-year-old boy waving flag and shouting slogan "Long live China! Go China!" on the street of Pingyao ancient town in Shanxi province, to a college student in Chengdu of Sichuan province, and as a volunteer teaching in Liangshan Yi autonomous region. It records Xiao Zhao’s emotional and ideological change during the four years starting from his senior high school to his sophomore year, and meanwhile witnesses and presents the restlessness and disturbance the Chinese society is currently undergoing.